Time Travel.

Time travelling it´s a  hard subject to discuss.There are plenty of movies and shows of time travelling but there are few of them that are close to the reality. Many scientifics say that one of the most accurate movie in terms of physics of time travelling is Interstellar, one of my favorites movies.

I would like to go to the past, to presence historical events. I am not a fan of trying to change things on the past to make the future better, because it could make the future worst. So my ideal time travel would be one that you can go back and forward and come back to the present instantly without doing any change on it. I would like to be a completely unknown person that do the least interaction posible with the people and enviroment. In that aspect it would be boring but it would really interesting to see all the important events of the human kind story, maybe avoid all the wars periods.And now that I think about it, it would be amazing to travel to the pre-human era. Seeing dinosaurs would be amazing, or realize that they didn´t exist. See all the wonderfull nature that existed before we did.

 If we talk about travelling to the past, there are plenty of possibilities and they are all incredible, but travelling to the future is, on my opinion very scary.Imagine travelling to a certain year and you pop off your time travelling machine or stuff in the middle of a war or even worst, there are no oxygen left to breath and you start instantly dying.


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