
Things I would change to my study programme.

I think that the study programme of my carreer is pretty good, it has  plenty of practical subjects since the first semester. But the theorical subjects are hard: I think that the firsts semesters are very overwhelming for this reason. As the majority of the carreers in Chile, the carreer´s specific subjects starts in the third year, and all I want to do is to begin studying those because it seems that they are the most enjoyable subjects and of course they are the main thing for which I´m studying this carreer. A thing I would definitely change would be the online period caused by the COVID-19.Nobody was prepared for this kind of method of teaching nor leaning. It was really difficult for the teachers and the students to keep a nice rythm of the semester and to do their tasks online. I would have prefered that it never were been that way. Appart from that, I really like the environment of the university. It may not be the biggest nor the nicest campus but the people there is prett...

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Time Travel.

Time travelling it´s a  hard subject to discuss.There are plenty of movies and shows of time travelling but there are few of them that are close to the reality. Many scientifics say that one of the most accurate movie in terms of physics of time travelling is Interstellar, one of my favorites movies. I would like to go to the past, to presence historical events. I am not a fan of trying to change things on the past to make the future better, because it could make the future worst. So my ideal time travel would be one that you can go back and forward and come back to the present instantly without doing any change on it. I would like to be a completely unknown person that do the least interaction posible with the people and enviroment. In that aspect it would be boring but it would really interesting to see all the important events of the human kind story, maybe avoid all the wars periods.And now that I think about it, it would be amazing to travel to the pre-human era. Seeing dinosa...

My dream Job

 I do not think I have a specifically dream job, but I know that I want to work at a practical kind of job. I would love to work at a laboratory trying to create environment friendly and healthy  food products that are tasty as well.In this matter I think that the right place would be the "NotCo", which produces vegan food and they try their best to make it healthy but their main objective is to create tasty vegan food that simulates the animal products. For that, as minimum I need to finish the food´s engineering deegre. I saw the other day in "Ucursos" that there was a practice opportunity for "NotCo" so it may be not so difficult to end up working at that company in the future  Another thing that I would like a lot (but I don´t think it as a real job) is to elaborate my own beer because it would be nice to do beer with the flavor and colour that I want to. I think that I really don´t a deegre for this, in fact I know that there are a lot of courses of 3...
 video link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11sSWXwE6EkJIY9WfL2SpKz29eCpvWbGL/view?usp=drivesdk

The Best Concert Ever

 Well, I  remember the first time I went to a concert was in 2017 in the "coliseum theather". I have never been into concerts because I think they are kind of a waste of money unless you are a big fan. But this one was very cheap compared to others and besides that, I went to see one of my favorite chilean bands called "Los Tres".  Since I was young I have always liked all kinds of music, but when I was on school I remember I mostly liked Rock so I used to listen a lot of that. I had a friend that always were saying to everyone to listen more chilean music, that we have great artists and we should support them by listening their music. So in that line I searched for rock artists and I found "Los Tres". From that moment on forward I became a huge fan, I listened to them everyday for a long time.  One day there was an announcement of  "Los Tres" concert and I inmediately said to a friend. So We went to that concert and it was incredible, the light ...

Place I would like to visit

I would like to visit Italy because I think it has beautiful cities such as Venice and wonderful monuments such as the Coliseum of Roma or the Tower of Pisa. Also, I want to learn more about its culture specially to learn more about its food, I would love to try the original Napolitan pizza and the fresh pasta. Secondly one of the principal things I want to do there is just go walking around all of the cities, I really think that the buildings have an unique and fascinating architecture. I imagine myself walking around until  lunch time and search for the closest local restaurant to eat anything (I think all food there would be tasty) and then keep traveling.  I really don´t know if I would like to stay there longer than a vacation time. Eventually if I enjoy a lot my time there, and have a closer look to the ordinary life style of Italian people I could actually be tempted to live in Italy.